Problem with the Best Laid BOM Plans

Well, I thought I had a good plan; I would make up the BOMs for the rest of the year at the guild retreat. Since I have the fabrics all cut, selected, and sorted, it seemed a quick retreat project. And it still is except for one. The October BOM is due before retreat.

So I got to work and stitched it up.

purple and orange

12 1/2 x 12 1/2

As you can see, this month’s colors are purple and orange. I think I prefer the blocks with  more than one color.  I could have fun with this batch if I were to win it. Every block is an entry. I think there were about a dozen and a half last month. Not bad odds.

Previous months: Totally scrappy and blue

Linking with Oh Scrap! and BOMs Away (buttons in the sidebar).


Filed under quilting

8 responses to “Problem with the Best Laid BOM Plans

  1. You have some very nice combinations there. Normally I’d shrink from such a mix, but you’ve shown it can be very attractive.

  2. dezertsuz

    I think it’s probably a little easier with more colors, but I did like your blue block a lot!

  3. Cher

    I love these colors…great job!

  4. I like purple and I like orange, but I wouldn’t have thought to put them together. Thank you for showing me the error of my ways! 8)

  5. Orange and purple is a favorite combination! I hope to get to this block soon. I am in love with it. Thanks for sharing this with Oh Scrap!

  6. Great color selections! I often find I do better with a set color parameter than with an open season to pick what I choose. You almost make me want to sew a block!

  7. It’s a very pretty block! I love the dash of purple.

  8. That kind of BOM program is fun! Good luck on the draw. 🙂

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