Architecture Quilt Finished and Given a New Name

Waking this post up to share on Val’s Tuesday Archives (button in sidebar) 1/12/16

I can’t believe how long this quilt has been waiting to be quilted. Victoria of 15-Minutes of Play issued the challenge May of last year!  There were three criteria: size 24 x 30; use photo of architecture as a starting point; include some “made fabric.” (My starting photos are here; progress here.) I was waiting for more confidence in my machine quilting to deal with the solid fabric where the quilting would be more visible. The guild quilt show coming up was the push I needed to pretend to feel confident.

finished quilt

24 x 30

You can see the spiral and pencil quilting above–below is a detail view for the harder to see quilting. Two quilting designs are from Leah Day’s FMQ site: on the bright orange, Cube Storm, which I still am not getting right, and on the darker orange, Modern Weave, which comes easier.

detail quilting

Saturday is the deadline for turning quilts in for the show.  All five of my entries are bound/faced and labeled, ready to deliver tomorrow, a day early!

The name has been changed to Lines and Circles #1.  That the origin of the quilt was architecture no longer seems relevant to the finished product. As a viewer, I don’t like such redundant names, barely a notch above Untitled. But such names do foreground the abstraction.

I’m linking up with Off the Wall Friday and Link a Finish Friday and TGIFF , guest posted and Leah Day’s FMQ site. Off the Wall friends may be amused that I am showing something not from the masterclass. Finishing up the class project was second to getting the quilts ready for the show.  Every year I say I’m not going to enter anything not completely finished. And every year I make another exception.

quilt "portrait"


Filed under quilting

15 responses to “Architecture Quilt Finished and Given a New Name

  1. The quilting looks great. Well done! and love the bold design.

  2. I think this is wonderful. Very creative and a study in minimalism. The created fabric is right up my alley, and I like circles a lot! Good job! With all the detailing it takes to enter as well.
    Leeanna Paylor
    Not Afraid of Color!

  3. Carol Mcdowell

    Good job on the quilting! Straight lines are hard to do and they are very effective on this quilt.

  4. dezertsuz

    I do like the finish. The quilting is great. I like the fact that it changes from one place to another, so there is interest that draws the eye to various elements.

  5. It fantastic! I really like shapes and lines created between them. It draws the eye nicely across the piece!

  6. You’ve proven that it’s not finished until it’s quilted–lovely texture.

  7. Oh, I like this! So clean and colorful. Perfect! Thanks for linking to TGIFF!

  8. Wow, that’s a great finish!

  9. I like the way it was quilted. It just ties it all together so your eye flows over it.

  10. Great job on a finish. Now go and rest for a while (ha ha–I know you better than that!). I had an art professor who took his photographs in the dessert and named them by their GPS coordinates. I like your way better, even if it is minimalistic. And I loved going back and reading the other posts, esp. the one where you sketched everything out. This quilt turned out really nice–great job!

  11. Lovely quilting! Nice work. Visiting from Val’s Tuesday Archive.

  12. Your project makes me want to play on my long arm!! Lots of creative ideas here….thanks!!!

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